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hubEnsembles 0.1.6

  • Fix bug in simple_ensemble() that produces invalid distributions for certain weighted medians (#122)
  • Replace magrittr pipe (%>%) with base R 4.1 pipe (|>)
  • Simplify examples

hubEnsembles 0.1.5

  • Check that weights don’t depend on output type ID for PMF and CDF forecasts (#35)

hubEnsembles 0.1.4

  • Replace superseded map_dfr() call
  • Replace usage of superseded “.data$”

hubEnsembles 0.1.3

  • Change organization name to “hubverse-org” (#115)

hubEnsembles 0.1.2

  • Updated vignette (#29, #113)
  • Remove out-of-date example data (#113)
  • Remove Hmisc dependency (#55)

hubEnsembles 0.1.1

  • Bumped hubUtils to 0.0.1 or higher, which has been split into hubUtils and hubData (#98)
  • Bumped Roxygen to 7.3.1
  • Add lint workflow (#96, #98)
  • Upgrade GitHub workflows (#96, #98)

hubEnsembles 0.1.0

  • Add example data (#95)
  • Upgrades package docs to hubStyle theme (#93)

hubEnsembles 0.0.9001

  • Fix handling of quantile output type in linear_pool_quantile() internal helper (#69)

hubEnsembles 0.0.9000

  • Initial Release.